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While you were busy streaming, what you think of as “streaming” evolved in­to many different things. Today, what you do when “streaming” is but one small piece of the streaming world.

回想过去, 网络把他们的内容放到网上, streaming the same broadcast that went over the air or on cable. Companies used broadcast gear and bespoke services to put their meetings on the corporate website. 然后互联网发展起来了, 高速网络可以在手机上使用, 让世界各地的观众都能看到这部电影变得司空见惯. Anyone could have a video “podcast” and do it live while incorporating and addressing comments from the audience.

世界各地的教堂都上网了, and now there are whole groups of people who attend services even though they are hundreds or even thousands of miles away. 游戏了, and gamers began to show off their gaming prowess (or lack thereof) by streaming live on new platforms dedicated to gaming content. They incorporated Discord audio of other players along with comments from fans, 他们发现他们甚至可以通过捐款来赚钱, 商品, 玩的时候更多.

Instagram and TikTok opened up a new world of “vertical video” streaming, forcing hardware and software makers to adapt despite a whole body of aspect-ratio traditionalists who railed against it. The popularity of these platforms has not inspired a wave of vertical filmmaking, 因为现在还没有垂直的电影屏幕, 无论如何. But for the majority of audiences that view this content on their vertical-screen phones, it fits.

Those vertical audiences and the ability to pay on the viewing platform begat streaming sales videos, 重点是谈论产品吗, 化妆, 衣服, 配件, 生活方式, and everything else—all of it able to be purchased with a click on the viewing platform. 流媒体不仅仅是销售链的一部分. 它本身已经成为一种销售工具.

But then, wasn’t that the case with QVC (Quality Value Convenience)? It’s just a lot more convenient now than it was in 1986, more than 35 years ago. 那时还没有手机,没有任何“可点击”的东西. 而是一个人在展示你可以购买的产品, on air in a format that was nothing more than a very long ad for that product? 这或多或少是一样的.

But now the preferred medium is internet streaming as opposed to a dedicated cable network. Each individual can promote specifically what they want to promote. 他们有自己的频道. 营销人员是他们自己的品牌. And the tools available to streaming media producers have evolved as well.

And what of Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Web­ex, and online business meetings in general? That’s streaming too—video and audio going to the cloud and back. Whether they’re replacing in-person meetings or augmenting them, these multiperson “calls” were widely deployed in business communication before the global pandemic made them inescapable in 2020. Skype had free 10-person group video calls back in 2014 and counted 214 billion minutes of use, 在世界范围内, in 2013. So, connecting with remote groups of people is not new; it has just evolved to become easier and a lot better. It’s also become more convenient since we started carrying devices that can do it in our pockets, 连接到一个几乎无处不在的高速无线网络, which makes streaming-based video calls always just a few taps away.

但是不管你用流媒体做什么, 你今天要明白这一点, it has evolved to the point at which the majority of people don’t use it exactly the way you do. There are people who have applied it for such specific uses that they are confused when they see a product that doesn’t fit their workflow. 最近, a commenter asked me why product X doesn’t support LUTs—unimaginable to them, 因为“每个人”(他们的话)都是这么做的.

No, everyone does not do it the way you do it, or the way I do it, or for the reasons we do. Each application is a very small minority, and streaming usage today is more diverse than ever.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

FAST生产? 慢慢来

FAST节目需要广告空间. 除非你有意在节目中加入这个空间, 它只是随机地分割你的内容, ruining the mood of narrative content and frustrating viewers just as the show was getting to the "good part.“现在在Roku设备上观看YouTube内容是这样的. The random "pop" to commercials in the middle of a scene is very annoying.

Cloud-Based Streaming Production and the Sound of Inevitability

The production and communication tools we use are ever-more tied to the cloud, and to take advantage of it is to open a door of possibility and additional 能力. 你今天想去哪里?


The pendulum has swung back away from streaming for a brief period, 但COVID让数百万人看到了权力, 能力, and convenience of streaming—for the providers and the attendees. It also helped a lot of people realize that it's not as easy as it looks. I see the end result moving that pendulum toward more streaming—and more kinds of streaming—in the near future

YoloBox Mini

在这篇综述中, I am going to be taking a look at YoloLiv's latest little streaming box, YoloBox Mini


So, 无论是季度会议, 年度营销展, or an industry event like CES or the International Auto Show, 我们仍然需要面对面的活动. But how these events recognize and incorporate remote pre­senters and remote audiences will have to change from what was done pre-COVID. 事件的未来是混合的, 尽管这些混合事件将采取不同的形式, 取决于事件的大小, 预算, 以及场外元素的性质和复杂性. 我称之为“三层混合”," which represent three different ways to bring local and remote presenters and attendees together.

与远程生产Going Pro

你在这里. 客人们都到了. 观众在其他任何地方. 这是一篇充满技巧的文章, 技巧, and links for making it all come together in your latest remote production.

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