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Witbe to Highlight 广告监控与匹配技术 for Video Service Providers at BroadcastAsia 2024

在2024年亚洲广播大会上, 这是亚洲科技x新加坡(ATxSG) 2024活动的一部分, 5月29日至31日在新加坡举行, Witbe will showcase its powerful automated testing and proactive monitoring technology. 该公司将展示其努力的好处

---(16 May 2024)

BroadcastAsia 2024参展商预览
May 29-31
Booth 6F1-12

在2024年亚洲广播大会上, 这是亚洲科技x新加坡(ATxSG) 2024活动的一部分, 5月29日至31日在新加坡举行, Witbe will showcase its powerful automated testing and proactive monitoring technology. 该公司将展示其努力的好处ware and software solutions for streaming and broadband video service providers looking to measure their customers’ true quality of experience. A key highlight at the company’s BroadcastAsia 2024 stand (6F1-12) will be Witbe’s unique Ad Monitoring and Matching technology, which helps providers verify streaming errors caused by dynamic ad insertion.

“We’re very excited to bring Witbe’s latest automated testing innovations to BroadcastAsia 2024,玛丽-瓦姆·拉卡兹说, Witbe的总裁和联合创始人. “我们的新加坡团队将全力参加展会, sharing our new Ad Monitoring and Matching technology with teams who are seeing the major impact of streaming ad errors on their services. The technology is part of our continued commitment to measuring true video performance on real devices and will help our customers take their ad monitoring to new levels.”

Witbe’s Ad Monitoring and Matching technology helps providers identify streaming errors caused by dynamic ad insertion, commonly used with the rise of Free Ad-Supported Television (FAST) channels. 与测试和监控真实, physical devices to measure the true ad performance that viewers receive. Service providers receive accurate reports on the most important key performance indicators (KPIs) for their video service, 包括严重的AD错误,如黑屏, 过度的缓冲, audio cuts, 撞击流, 和问题,当回到主要内容.

Witbe的所有技术都带有共享视频记录, 哪些可以作为第三方广告主投放广告的证明. The company’s Ad Matching feature can then verify when an ad played throughout a stream, 它的表现如何?, 如果它在一个广告休息时间重复播放. Witbe’s Ad Monitoring and Matching technology is capable of testing FAST channels and all other forms of ad-supported video, 包括AVOD服务和体育流媒体, 现在已经可以使用了.

Photo Link: www.202comms.com/Witbe/Ad_Monitoring_Matching_technology.jpg
图片标题: Witbe’s Ad Monitoring and Matching technology identifies streaming errors caused by dynamic ad insertion.


在2024年亚洲广播大会上, Witbe还将展示其新的自动化测试包, which come prepackaged with everything providers need to implement automation into their video testing. 这些捆绑包包括一个Witbox, the company’s hardware that allows video service providers to test any existing real device easily and directly, 与Witbe Hub Cloud一起远程工作, 以及一系列标准化的测试场景. 使用这些新的自动化测试包, Witbe’s award-winning technology is faster and easier to deploy than ever before.

Photo Link: www.202comms.com/Witbe/QA_Test_Automation.jpg
图片标题: Witbe’s new 自动化测试包 come with preset test scenarios ready to be deployed immediately.

Witbe’s new ABR Stream Analysis technology enhances the monitoring capabilities of the company’s powerful Witbox+, offering service providers additional data on how their viewers’ experiences are affected by the adaptive bitrate (ABR) stream. The recently announced technology is available as a software addition to the Witbox+ or as a separate dedicated device in the WitboxABR. WitboxABR允许团队大规模地执行网络测试, 同时监测CDN错误和SCTE-35 ad线索.

Photo Link: www.202comms.com/Witbe/Witbe_Remote_Eye_Controller_Mosaic.png
图片标题: Witbe’s ABR Stream Analysis technology monitors for errors on the network side of a video stream.

Witbe’s Witbox family of devices packs the company’s reliable automated testing and monitoring technology into a compact, 易于设置的可访问包. 在2024年亚洲广播大会上, Witbe将展示其整个Witbox产品线:WitboxOne, the company’s flagship device; Witbox+, the most powerful testing device on the market; WitboxNet, built specifically for web testing and is now available with an upgraded 10Gb interface; and WitboxABR, 提供大规模ABR流监测技术. Live demos on the show floor will focus on the specific capabilities of each Witbox.

Photo Link: www.202comms.com/Witbe/Witbox_devices.jpg
图片标题: Witbe’s powerful Witbox hardware line can test and monitor video services on any real device.

Members of the press interested in meeting with Witbe at BroadcastAsia 2024 should contact:
Moe Lokat
电话:+44 (0)7973 306039
Email: moe@202comms.com


Witbe (Euronext Growth - FR0013143872 - ALWIT) provides test automation and proactive monitoring technology for global video services. 总部设在巴黎,在全球设有分支机构, the company makes award-winning hardware and software applications for video streaming providers that test the quality of experience their customers receive. Witbe is the only company on the market capable of testing any video service running on any device (including PCs, smartphones, STBs, 和智能电视)通过任何网络(包括光纤), 5G, and OTT).

由于其革命性的Witbox和强大的Witbe软件套件, the company recently launched its Ad Monitoring and Matching technology for dynamically inserted streaming ads. withbe为拥有包括康卡斯特在内的客户而自豪, Cox, Verizon, Peacock, 和Orange——在50多个国家销售. 更多的信息和进一步的更新可以在www上找到.witbe.net.

链接到Word文档: www.202comms.com/Witbe/240516-Witbe-BroadcastAsia_2024.docx