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新款Explore SE PTZ相机的重点演示将采用NDI 6集成以及与头脑风暴公司合作的AR/VR工作流程

Telycam 很高兴地宣布其最新技术的正式出货, Explore SE PTZ camera. Positioned as a frontrunner in the field of PTZ video cameras, Telycam将在2024年NAB展的SU6029展位展示其Explore SE模型,该模型以其无缝集成NDI®6视频连接技术和FreeD兼容性而闻名.

Telycam还将展示另一个强大的行业合作成果. 强调其与虚拟工作室解决方案的兼容性,并促进创造性表达的扩展途径, the Explore SE has received certification from Brainstorm. 我们诚挚地邀请NAB的与会者见证此次揭幕,并参与塑造视频技术的未来.

* NDI 6 demos featuring Explore SE PTZ camera with embedded NDI Bridge

作为独家NDI 6 beta测试计划的供应商之一, Telycam很高兴能够在提高相机图像质量方面发挥领导作用,并展示了将NDI Bridge实用工具直接嵌入PTZ相机硬件的便利性.

NDI 6引入了许多增强功能,包括10位HDR支持和WAN连接. With full native HDR support, NDI 6 brings images with higher contrast, wider color gamut, and minimal color banding, while ensuring broad compatibility with PQ and HLG formats. WAN连接的添加直接通过硬件的NDI Bridge实用程序实现, 这标志着朝着建立真正的大规模IP连接和简化产品与NDI技术的集成迈出了重要一步, starting with cameras.

At the Telycam booth, 参观者可以亲身体验NDI 6所支持的卓越图像质量和广域网功能. 与Magewell和经销商MVD合作的现场演示将展示带有嵌入式NDI桥实用程序硬件的Explore SE PTZ相机, highlighting seamless integration without the need for additional NDI tools; remote operation; and low-latency transmission within NDI-enabled production workflows. Thanks to NDI 6, Telycam PTZ摄像机可以毫不费力地无缝集成到云生产环境中, anticipating future trends that offer scalability, flexibility, and accessibility for content creation and distribution.

NDI和Telycam还在展会上联合组织了一个“问罗伯托”环节, scheduled to commence at 11:00 am on April 16th. 与会者将有宝贵的机会与Roberto Musso直接互动, the Technical Director of NDI, at the Telycam booth. 这是一个很好的机会,以获得专家的见解和指导的NDI 6协议的复杂性以及第一手的知识,关于Telycam的NDI 6嵌入式PTZ摄像机的范围, 包括广播级Explore系列和Pro av级Vision+系列PTZ相机.

* NDI 6 demos featuring Explore SE PTZ camera with embedded NDI Bridge

In addition to its integration with NDI 6, Telycam很高兴地宣布,通过头脑风暴的认证,Telycam PTZ摄像机与头脑风暴AR/VR解决方案的集成. 演示将以Explore SE为特色,提供视频和跟踪数据, 在头脑风暴屡获殊荣的InfinitySet解决方案中逐帧接收并实时渲染,该解决方案为虚拟生产创新设定了标准. The Telycam keyboard controller, V Joy+, 将用于管理头脑风暴平台中的虚拟摄像机和真实的Explore SE PTZ摄像机吗. 这次合作强调了Telycam致力于探索并为其产品配备先进功能的承诺, 使用户能够应对视频制作中不断变化的趋势和需求,包括新兴的AR和VR制作领域.

“我们很高兴将Telycam纳入头脑风暴认证系统的广泛列表中," says Miguel Churruca, Marketing and Communications Director at Brainstorm. "Our main goal is to provide users with more content creation possibilities, and the Telycam PTZ camera range, headed by the newly introduced Explore SE, works seamlessly with Brainstorm's InfinitySet, 允许用户创建高质量的内容,即使在紧凑和经济高效的设置."

"Telycam is delighted to collaborate with Brainstorm and NDI at NAB 2024," says Jenny Liu, co-founder and head of marketing and sales of Telycam. “这些联合工作流程展示了Telycam PTZ摄像机提供的稳定和惊人的图像质量以及AR/VR兼容性, not only for broadcast and live production, but also for live events, hybrid events, corporate presentations, or educational settings."

About Telycam -- Founded in 2014, Telycam ( is an innovative PTZ camera developer with an emphasis on R&D. Headquartered in Shenzhen, China, Telycam offers two main product lines: NDI/IP PTZ cameras designed for live production; and USB-based webcams designed for video conferencing. With a firm commitment to the video camera sector for more than a decade, Telycam has become a key player in the Pro AV and broadcast industries.